var HTML_FIND = new Array(""", "<", ">", "
", "
" ); var HTML_REPLACE = new Array("\"", "<", ">", "\r\n", "\r\n" ); var unWantedCharSet = "[<>|\"]"; var unWantedChars = new RegExp(unWantedCharSet); // last char is space "\\ " var ERROR_COLOR = "pink"; var MOUSE_OVER_MENU_COLOR = "black";//"xp: black";//lbank: "#006633" var TRACK_SESSION = true; var IS_CHILD_WINDOW = false; function changeColor(whichObject,colorId){ = (colorId==1) ? "url('/"+CTX_PATH+"/images/rowMouseOverImage.gif')" : ""; } function changeMenuColor(whichObject,colorId){ = (colorId==1) ? MOUSE_OVER_MENU_COLOR : ""; = (colorId==1) ? "1px solid orange" : ""; = (colorId==1) ? "1px solid orange" : ""; = (colorId==1) ? "pointer" : ""; } function hideMenu(whichMenu){ setTimeout( function(){ makeHidden(whichMenu); }, 20); currentMenu = ""; } function makeHidden(whichMenu){ if(currentMenu!=whichMenu){ document.getElementById(whichMenu).style.display = "none"; document.getElementById(whichMenu).style.visibility = "hidden"; } } function removeAllOptions(givenForm,selectName){ var totalOptions = givenForm.elements[selectName].options.length; //from GUI, removed the displayed ones for(var i=0; i=0) { givenValue = givenValue.replace(new RegExp(HTML_FIND[i],'g'),HTML_REPLACE[i]); } } return givenValue; } function attachEvents(whichForm){ //alert("Total Elements in the form: "+whichForm.elements.length) for(var i=0;i"+whichForm.elements[i].name + "
" + err.message); } } } } function checkPositiveValue(eventObject){ var fieldValue = parseFloat(eventObject.value); if(isNaN(eventObject.value)==false && fieldValue>0) {"white";return true;};"pink"; alert("Field value should be number and greater than 0"); return false; } function validateEmail(email) { var re = /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/; return re.test(email); } function validateFormData(givenForm){ var noOfElements = givenForm.elements.length; var isValid = true; for(var i=0; i0 || givenForm.elements[i].required=="true" || givenForm.elements[i].required==true) && givenForm.elements[i].value==""){ isValid = false; fieldValid = false; } if(givenForm.elements[i].alt) { var reqMinValue = parseInt(givenForm.elements[i].alt); var inputValue = parseInt(givenForm.elements[i].value); if(inputValue < reqMinValue){ isValid = false; fieldValid = false; } } if(givenForm.elements[i].accept){ var reqMaxValue = parseInt(givenForm.elements[i].accept); var inputValue = parseInt(givenForm.elements[i].value); if(inputValue > reqMaxValue){ isValid = false; fieldValid = false; } } if(givenForm.elements[i].accessKey){ var dataType = givenForm.elements[i].accessKey; if(dataType=="date" && isValidDate(givenForm.elements[i].value)==false){ if(givenForm.elements[i].value!=""){ isValid = false; fieldValid = false; } } if(dataType=="email"){ if(givenForm.elements[i].value!="" && validateEmail(givenForm.elements[i].value)==false){ isValid = false; fieldValid = false; } } } if((givenForm.elements[i].type=="text" || givenForm.elements[i].type=="password" || givenForm.elements[i].type=="textarea") && (givenForm.elements[i].dir || givenForm.elements[i].minLength)) { //dir=minLength var fLen = (givenForm.elements[i].dir) ? givenForm.elements[i].dir : givenForm.elements[i].minLength; var reqMinLength = parseInt(fLen); var inputLength = givenForm.elements[i].value.length; if(inputLength= 0 ){ var firstPart = givenValue.substring(0, givenValue.indexOf(",")); var lastPart = givenValue.substring(givenValue.indexOf(",")+1, givenValue.length); givenValue = firstPart + "." + lastPart; } return parseFloat(givenValue); } function refreshLanguage(){ var request = getAjaxObject();"GET", "LoginController?userAction=4", true) request.onreadystatechange = function() {//Call a function when the state changes. //("Language data refreshed."); } request.send(null) } var SECURITY_KEYS = new Array(116,0); document.onkeydown=function(e) { e=e||window.event; for(var i=0; i= (SESSION_DURATION - (nextCall*3)) ){ //expire 15 seconds before it has to expire, otherwise session object will be null if(IS_CHILD_WINDOW==true){ self.close(); return; } autoLogout(); return; }else{ SESSION_OUT_TIME = SESSION_OUT_TIME + nextCall; setTimeout("sessionTimer()", nextCall); } } function autoLogout(){ window.location.href = "LoginController?userAction=5" + getCSRFToken(); } function isValidHost(AUTHORIZED_URL){ try{ var openedURL = top.location.href; if(openedURL.indexOf(AUTHORIZED_URL)==-1){ return false; } return true; }catch(err){ //IMPORTANT NOTE: required if other site does this inside iframe, then top.frames will return error return false; } } function openAssistFrame(frameURL, width, height){ increaseClientSession(); toggleBackground(true); var assisFrameObject = document.getElementById("assistFrame"); var winWidth = arguments[1]==null ? 500 : width; var winHeight = arguments[2]==null ? 350 : height; = "block"; = winWidth; = winHeight; = ((document.body.clientHeight - winHeight)/2); = ((document.body.clientWidth - winWidth)/2); assisFrameObject.src = frameURL; assisFrameObject.focus(); } function closeAssistFrame(){ var assisFrameObject = document.getElementById("assistFrame"); = "none"; toggleBackground(false); } function getIFrameObject(iFrameName){ var searchFrame = window.frames[iFrameName].contentWindow; if(!searchFrame){ searchFrame = window.frames[iFrameName]; } return searchFrame; } function browserSupported(){ /* var browserName = navigator.userAgent.toUpperCase(); if( browserName.indexOf("MSIE")>=0 || browserName.indexOf("CHROME")>=0 || browserName.indexOf("FIREFOX")>=0){ return true; } */ var isOpera = !!window.opera || navigator.userAgent.indexOf(' OPR/') >= 0; // Opera 8.0+ (UA detection to detect Blink/v8-powered Opera) var isFirefox = typeof InstallTrigger !== 'undefined'; // Firefox 1.0+ var isSafari ='Constructor') > 0; // At least Safari 3+: "[object HTMLElementConstructor]" var isChrome = !! && !isOpera; // Chrome 1+ var isIE = /*@cc_on!@*/false || !!document.documentMode; // At least IE6 if(isFirefox==true || isChrome==true || isIE==true){ return true; } return true; } function changeTextContent(contentId,contentText){ var browserName = navigator.userAgent.toUpperCase(); if( browserName.indexOf("MSIE")>=0 || browserName.indexOf("CHROME")>=0) { document.getElementById(contentId).innerText = contentText; }else{ document.getElementById(contentId).textContent = contentText; } } function getInnerText(elementName){ var browserName = navigator.userAgent.toUpperCase(); if( browserName.indexOf("MSIE")>=0 || browserName.indexOf("CHROME")>=0) { return document.getElementById(elementName).innerText; }else{ return document.getElementById(elementName).textContent; } } function sendAjaxRequest(controllerClass,reqData,callBackFunction){ reqData = reqData + "&CSRF_TOKEN=" + getCookie("csrf") + ignoreTokenGeneration(); var request = getAjaxObject();"POST",controllerClass,true); request.setRequestHeader("Content-type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); request.send(reqData); //resetType=1 is password request.onreadystatechange = function() {//Call a function when the state changes. if (request.readyState==4 && request.status==200){ callBackFunction(request.responseText); } } } function showProgressing(containerId){ document.getElementById(containerId).innerHTML = ""; } function addOption(whichForm, selectName, optionValue, optionText, selectNewlyAddedOption){ var totalOptions = whichForm.elements[selectName].options.length; whichForm.elements[selectName].options[totalOptions] = new Option(optionText, optionValue); if(selectNewlyAddedOption || selectNewlyAddedOption==true){ whichForm.elements[selectName].options[totalOptions].selected = true; } } function toggleErrorField(whichObject, isError){ = isError==true ? ERROR_COLOR : ""; } function toFixed(value, precision) { var precision = precision || 0, power = Math.pow(10, precision), absValue = Math.abs(Math.round(value * power)), result = (value < 0 ? '-' : '') + String(Math.floor(absValue / power)); if (precision > 0) { var fraction = String(absValue % power), padding = new Array(Math.max(precision - fraction.length, 0) + 1).join('0'); result += '.' + padding + fraction; } return result; } var documentViewWindow = null;//let this variable be here function openDocumentViewWindow(actionClass, params) { if(documentViewWindow && documentViewWindow!=null){ documentViewWindow.focus(); } var windowWidth = 700; var windowHeight = 500; var form = document.createElement("form"); form.setAttribute("method", "post"); form.setAttribute("action", actionClass); form.setAttribute("target", 'view'); for(var key in params) { if(params.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var hiddenField = document.createElement("input"); hiddenField.setAttribute("type", "hidden"); hiddenField.setAttribute("name", key); hiddenField.setAttribute("value", params[key]); form.appendChild(hiddenField); } } document.body.appendChild(form); var left = ((screen.width - windowWidth)/2); var top = ((screen.height - windowHeight)/2); documentViewWindow ='', 'view', "height="+windowHeight+", width="+windowWidth+", top="+top+", left="+left+", toolbar=no, titlebar=0, scrollbars=yes, resizable=no, location=no, directories=0"); documentViewWindow.moveTo(left, top); documentViewWindow.resizeTo(windowWidth, windowHeight); form.submit(); } function isLocalhost(){ return (AUTHORIZED_URL.indexOf("http://localhost")>=0) } function checkTopFrame(){ try{ var topFrameNotExist = (top.frames["myTopFrame"]==null); if(topFrameNotExist==true && isLocalhost()==false){ top.location.href = AUTHORIZED_URL + "/" + CTX_PATH; } if(top.location.href.indexOf(AUTHORIZED_URL)==-1 && isLocalhost()==false){ top.location.href = AUTHORIZED_URL + "/" + CTX_PATH; } }catch(err){//IMPORTANT NOTE: required if other site does this inside iframe, then top.frames will return error top.location.href = AUTHORIZED_URL + "/" + CTX_PATH; } } function openSecureURL(event){ event.preventDefault ? event.preventDefault() : (event.returnValue = false); var sourceElement = event.currentTarget? event.currentTarget : event.srcElement ; var currentVal = sourceElement.attributes["onclick"].value; var newURL = currentVal.substring(currentVal.indexOf("=")+2, currentVal.length-1); if(newURL.indexOf("?")>0){ newURL = newURL + getPageId() + getCSRFToken(); } else { newURL = newURL + getPageIdNoAndPrefix() + getCSRFToken(); } console.log(newURL); window.location.href = newURL; } function appendId(){ var p = document.getElementsByName("applink"); for(var i=0; i